The Ultimate List of Web Safe HTML and CSS Fonts

HTML 5 | August 23, 2022
web safe html css fonts

If you’re a designer or web developer, it’s likely that at some point, you’ve come across the term “Web-safe fonts.” Have you wondered what they are, why they’re important to have on hand, and how many there are? Well, let me tell you! A web-safe font is a type of font that displays correctly across different browsers and devices without rendering errors. These fonts are often limited in number because only a handful of fonts were created with web design in mind. In this article, I will share with you the best web-safe fonts currently available.

What Makes a Web-Safe Font?

A web-safe font is one that displays correctly across different browsers and devices without rendering errors. This means that users of different operating systems and browsers need not worry about how their favorite fonts look, because all of them will display correctly on the Web – just like on your computer. The 20 web-safe fonts mentioned in the Ultimate List of Web-Safe Fonts below were chosen for their simplicity, readability, and consistent display – regardless of the platform on which they’re viewed. If a font isn’t included in this list, there’s a good chance that it won’t display correctly across different platforms (unless it’s embedded with CSS).

Significance of Web-Safe Fonts:

Web-safe fonts are important because they make it easier for you to keep your designs consistent, regardless of your platform. With web-safe fonts, you’ll have a single source for all of your content’s typographical needs. All you have to do is provide the font link at the end of your web page and the editor will add the font to their CSS file automatically. This makes it incredibly easy to accompany your text with one typeface, regardless of whether this is embedded in HTML or CSS.

What are the different types of web fonts?

1) Serif:

These fonts contain serifs — small decorative strokes that many find helpful when reading text. Examples: Georgia, Baskerville, Times, and Palatino.

2) Sans Serif:

These fonts are sans serif — without serifs. While many prefer the clean and simple design of these fonts, some find their minimalistic approach difficult to read. Examples: Helvetica, Arial, Franklin Gothic Medium (FFM), and Univers.

3) Script:

Text written in script font is often decorative — using cursive or calligraphic patterns (although not always). It’s also sometimes hard to read for those who aren’t familiar with this type of lettering. Example: Comic Sans MS or Brush Script MT Bold.

4) Monospace:

Monospace fonts are uniform in width and range from very condensed to extremely wide. Not only are they hard to read, but they’re also not recommended for use on the Web because their fixed width can cause display issues. This type of font is often used in print media, such as coding and programming manuals. Examples: Consolas, Courier New, and Andale Mono.

5) Decorative:

These fonts are used just for aesthetic purposes — usually to add a bit of flair or flavor to a website’s design. Examples: Impact and Lithograph Medium Italic.

6) Cursive:

Text written in a cursive font is often hard to read, especially for those who aren’t accustomed to reading such lettering. Examples: Chancery and Brush Script.

7) Fantasy:

Fonts used for decorative purposes are considered fantasy fonts. They’re used in a similar way to decorative fonts (as outlined above), but their designs differ from the standard styles we’re accustomed to seeing — which makes them more entertaining and interesting.

Are Web Safe Fonts Necessary in 2022?

Yes. While the Web-safe fonts listed in the Ultimate List of Web-Safe Fonts ensure that your content is displayed without any rendering errors, they’re not designed with mobile devices in mind (unless they’re embedded). This means that their readability depends on the device and operating system being used to view the text. Many designers choose to use web-safe fonts because of their ease of use, but there are still people out there who prefer to select their own fonts and set them as a typeface for their projects. While it may seem like a good idea to select your own font, you should really be using a web-safe font so that you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues — especially in today’s always-connected online world. Although web-safe fonts may not be necessary for every design project, there are plenty of instances when they’re a crucial component of successful projects. They’re commonly used in website, blog, and print design projects because they’re easier to read and display consistently across different platforms.

You might have chosen the most beautiful font from Google Fonts. The amount of web-safe fonts available has been dwindling in recent years, with the trend continuing until they’re practically non-existent. The good news is that it’s getting easier and easier to incorporate them into your designs. Furthermore, web-safe fonts are gaining popularity among designers and publishers, which means that they’re no longer considered an optional design tool — they’re now a must-have element.



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Web-Safe HTML and CSS Fonts:

If you’re going to be designing for the Web, you must have a good grasp of web-safe fonts and their list of benefits. It’s important to know that there are many web-safe fonts available now – but only because there haven’t been many technologies invented since their creation. With all the new CSS3 features and HTML5 tags, it’s likely that designers will begin creating fonts specifically with web design in mind. This means that there will soon be more web-safe fonts available.

In the past, web-safe fonts were incredibly important because there weren’t many other options. With the advent of new technologies, however, this list is sure to expand. By learning how web-safe fonts work, you’ll be more prepared to incorporate them into your designs.


You may already know how important web-safe fonts are, and if you don’t, the Ultimate List of Web-Safe Fonts is a great place to start. This list is sortable by alphabetical order or font popularity — whichever works best for you. I also included links for each font in the list, so you can easily browse through your favorites. No matter why you need to use web-safe fonts, this list will help make your decision much easier! If you’re looking for a more robust font.